We’ve ended the year in a frenzy of travelling, Christmas toys, and mild weather. It’s January in Kansas now, and we still haven’t gotten a good snow. Unheard of!
I’ve already told you about the year up until October, here here and here. We’ve had lots of ups, downs, and sideways this year, and I can’t say I’m sorry to see 2011 go.
In October,
Henry and I both celebrated our birthdays. Henry with an epic pirate party (or two), and me with a trip to Worlds of Fun.
Big Erv turned seven months old, because he continues to disobey me and get older.
Oh, and we also celebrated Halloween.
In November,
We decided against a turkey dinner and spent Thanksgiving in San Antonio,
And, in December,
Henry finished up the first half of kindergarten with a Christmas program,
Ervin turned nine months old (ACK!), and we celebrated in the holidays, both of which I will post about this week. Hey, I’ve got four kids. Ha!
This year, I also wrote some of my favorite posts…
- She Is Two, about trying to understand the inner workings of my toddler’s mind
- A Monday Listicles post with my Tips For New Moms
- The reason we don’t listen to Katy Perry in the car anymore: A Confession
- In Down The Aisle, I got to show off my FABULOUS second-wedding get-up
- And in Dear Bean, I wrote a letter to my as-yet-unborn fourth child.
I hope you’ll join me in 2012 for my mom-of-four-kids ramblings. Happy New Year!