First of all, I’m so excited to announce the winner of my Valentine’s Day giveaway! The LUCKY winner of the origami flower set from My Beloved Adoria (chosen using is…….
#9 Kaytie from The Huns Blog! She said: I really love her Holiday blue origami wreath ! So shiny and pretty.
Now that we’ve taken care of that (and Kaytie, Jessica will be mailing your prize on Monday! Yay!)…
Do you ever have one of those days when you actually feel validated and appreciated as a mom, by your KIDS? I know, for me, it doesn’t happen very often, but yesterday, it did. My heart is still a-flutter.
Since Henry started kindergarten, I’ve been packing his lunches. You’ve heard me talking about MOMables™ a lot, and I use their menus to come up with new meals to make for him. Every night before bed, I make his lunch, and every afternoon when he comes home, we check to see if he ate it (I’ve got him “trained” to leave his trash and leftover food in his lunchbox so he doesn’t accidentally throw something away that he shouldn’t but I’ve found that I can check up on his eating that way too). Sometimes he doesn’t, and after a few days of that, I start to get angry.
Why am I working so hard to make him lunch if he’s not eating it??
So anyway…Tuesday night after he went to bed, he came downstairs with his LeapPad and his big Children’s Atlas of the United States. On the front of the book is a picture of a train, and he asked me to draw it on the LeapPad. I did, and he went back to bed.
While I was packing his lunch, I got out a little piece of paper and tried to draw the train again (from memory) and stuck it in his lunchbox. I’ve put little pictures in before, so it’s nothing new, but I guess it had been a while.
I don’t claim to be an artist (at all), but I can doodle with the best of ’em. When he came home from school yesterday, I asked how he liked it. He said he did, but what are the green things, and why is there smoke coming out? I told him that I couldn’t remember exactly what it looked like, and I thought maybe there were some extra chimneys. He thanked me and went off to play.
This morning, Ivy’s preschool teacher (who’s also Henry’s library teacher) told me that yesterday, Henry, during library and in front of both kindergarten classes, stood up and said he “had an announcement”.
Henry, to the classes: “My mom put a picture of a train in my lunch! I think it’s an early Valentine! No other moms did that.”
Oh my goodness. Seriously? My heart totally melted on the floor when she told me that.
I may have sat down yesterday and drew up a few more pictures for his lunch box.