We’re finally recovering from our Thanksgiving Trip to Texas, and it’s the perfect time to share some memories.

The Shamu show at Sea World was spectacular. It was a Christmas Miracles theme, which was a little corny, but those whales are just amazing. Beautiful. I think it’s fair to say that it was close to the top of everyone’s list of favorite things we did that week. Just this morning on the way to school, Henry recognized an instrumental song that they played during the show!

Our niece, Grace, can spell “Mississippi”. Just ask her…I dare you.

Our family is REALLY good at passing sickness around. Most of us are over the stomach flu now.

It’s kind of strange to be hearing Christmas music and seeing the lights for the first time all year at Sea World, surrounded by water and warm-weather clothes.

Meal and pit stops take a lot longer when you’ve got almost twenty people in two vans.

I think every one of us (at least the adults) thought we might never get home. The first leg of the trip back was loooooooong. Thankfully, we made MUCH better time the last day.

Ivy is quite the little photographer.

We discovered our kids’ favorite animals (at least, for the moment): Essie loved the bears, snakes and whales, Ivy loved the fish, and Henry loved the sharks and whales. Ervin loved anything that was bright and colorful.

Driving for 20+ hours is a really good way to get to know your nieces and nephews better. I learned more about my nieces (because we were in the “girl van” together) on this trip than I have since they were born.

Henry and our nephew Max are A LOT alike. And, Uncle Ethan and Aunt Misty are, by far, their favorite aunt and uncle.

All in all, it was a great trip. Even with the sickness-spreading. My parents are amazing people for organizing/planning/bringing it all together.

Thank you, Mom and Dad!