Are you familiar with Momma Be Thy Name? Are you following her on twitter?
Why do I ask? Because for the last 11 days, Stephanie at Momma Be Thy Name has had a series of guest posters, and she’s calling it Momma Be Thy Name’s 12 Days of Christmas.
WELL……I’m so excited to be a part of Momma Be Thy Name’s 12 Days of Christmas!! My post is number twelve, and I wrote my own little poem about what it’s like to be Santa…I mean….the MOM…during Christmastime. I hope you’ll head over there and check it out! Maybe you can relate?
And, I must mention, that by leaving a comment on any of the 12 Days of Christmas posts (including mine…hint, hint), you’ll be entered to win an Elf Pack full of goodies, including:
[…] #mommas12days12 Posted on December 21, 2012 by Greta • 0 CommentsLast year, I took part in Momma’s 12 Days of Christmas, and I’m back again! This year, I’m sharing my wisdom on traveling for the holidays. […]