Despite a wardrobe mishap on the part of the four year old, and last-minute scramble for a different costume, and the kids’ MIA dad (okay, he’s out of town for work, and definitely not by choice), we had a good Halloween!
The kids scored TONS of candy. Of course.
Dressed up for school! |
The E’s and I ended up going to both Henry’s downtown parade and Ivy’s inside-the-school parade. They were both great….Essie LOVED it.
Waiting for the first parade to start. |
It was cold, but you can see a little of his Halloween sleeper. Boo! |
Essie Belle, in good spirits (hardy-har). |
It’s a miracle that I got a good picture of him as he ran past. |
After Henry’s parade, the three of us headed over to the school to watch Ivy’s preschool class do their parade, going around inside to the classrooms. But…Ivy heard there was a haunted house in the hall…
Sitting at the table. Refusing to line up. |
Lining up for the parade (still not happy).
She finally got in line, after one of the teachers agreed to hold her hand. The haunted house? Turned out to be an inflatable one that one of her classmates brought to the school. Totally not scary.
Essie joined the parade (and got a lot of attention). |
The pirate, Bumble Bee, Elephant, and Banana, just before going out on the town. |
We took all eleven grandkids out in two golf carts. It was kind of the perfect set-up.
Getting ready to head out! And yes, Henry is using a Walmart bag. I don’t want to talk about it. |
She was quiet, but she was a good little Trick or Treater! |
This is pretty indicative of the night. Headed to a door with a mouth full of candy. |
Elephant and Tiger, Partners-In-Crime |
Yes, I did nurse the banana in a golf cart while Trick or Treating. |
Me and baby banana. |
Taking a break in the back of the golf cart to take inventory. |
This is a happy elephant. With a bag full of candy. “See?!” |