First off, I would like to say “thank you!” to those of you that entered my little giveaway. It was such a pleasure to read all of the things you are thankful for while I was headed to Texas.
Using, the winner was SWEATY! Sweaty, I’m tweeting you, so you can send me your address and get your mug.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We’re still recovering from our vacation. Somehow, our family got a stomach bug and passed it around, so the kids are home from school today and we’re resting.
But, I can’t forget that Ervin turned 8 months old on Thanksgiving Day!
Our boy is doing so much these days! Growing up fast, for sure.
- He’s waving (just started this week!)
- saying “dad” (over and over)
- perfecting his army crawl
- working on getting up on all fours for a “real” crawl
- standing
- doing the motorboat sound…a lot
- eating A LOT…he ate at least one whole jar of food between each nursing session on our trip, sometimes two (of course that makes me think he’s not getting enough milk)
- smiling a HUGE smile when he sees daddy