So. I have the stomach flu that three members of my family have already had and we managed to pass on to my sister-in-law and her kids (sorry, Robin!!!) and probably some of T’s family as well (sorry, Carisa!!!).
I feel like crap but there are a few things I need to tell you guys.
First, we had Big Erv’s six month check-up on Thursday (along with a million other things. That was a crazy afternoon). He back on the chart, y’all!! He’s at the 15th percentile for height/length (I forgot exactly how long he is because I was so focused on his weight…whoops). He weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces, which is so far onto the chart, he’s almost obese! Okay. Not really. He’s just under the 4th percentile. Which is fine with me, because it means our doctor won’t worry and tell me I should supplement or something again (which I didn’t, except with solids and cereal). Football recruiters, line up on the left.
Big Erv is also featured over on Carisa’s blog today, because he looks so darn cute in the hat she made for him. Okay, maybe that’s not why, but that’s what I say anyway. Try to tell me different. I dare you.
What else…well, we went to central KS this weekend to hang out with Carisa’s family and have Megan take our family pictures. None of us were particularly cheerful during the picture-taking (sorry, Megan!), but I think she got some good ones in spite of our moodiness. And there may be a picture (or five) of the kids in their Halloween costumes starring E. Belle The Crying Elephant. I can’t wait to see them, seriously.
Saturday night and Sunday morning, we visited with my grandparents. The kids always love it there, and they wished we could have stayed longer. I, frankly, wished we could have stayed all week to avoid driving home with the stomach flu. But, unfortunately, T. had to go out of town for some certification classes, so we had to high tail it home. We made it. Whew.
So, that’s where we are. Thanks for caring.