This week has been nuts. Do you know that feeling when you’re so overwhelmed that you just can’t catch your breath?
Yeah. That.
I’ve had so much to do this week and so many places to be that I’m just…deflating.
But the week’s over! Yay! Over-ish, that is. We have my niece’s first birthday party tonight, then a busy weekend.
So….maybe not so yay.
Anyway. I’ve learned a few things this week.
1. I thought two-year-olds could be adaptable because we seemed to have had success taking the pacifier away from E. Belle. We’ve still been “successful”, as in, she hasn’t used one in a week. But, she also wakes up crying a lot now. There’s no more binky in the bed to shove in her mouth and get her back to sleep.
So, there’s that. But hopefully she’ll calm down with all of the wailing?
P.S. Is “adaptable” even a word?
2. I can only do so much. If I spend my time blogging every day, or visiting blogs every day, or twittering every day (come on now…”twittering” is totally a word. I just made it up.), then the laundry pile will become so massive that a) we will run out of clothes, and b) I will hyperventilate every time I see it.
3. The same goes for the dish pile. I have seen the bottom of the silverware drawer and it’s not a place I want to visit often.
4. Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice K-Cups make a really good cup of coffee at home, and it IS possible to get a Starbucks iced latte using a very low number of your daily Weight Watchers points.
5. It is not, however, easy to go out of town and stick to your Weight Watchers points. Possible, probably. Easy, no.
6. It IS possible to bounce back from an off-week(end) and start losing weight again. Particularly if you’re addicted to the Sam’s Club sized bag of frozen fruit (strawberries + peaches + mangoes + pineapples = SO GOOD).
7. It is NOT possible for me to go very long without talking about food these days. I apologize.
If I’ve learned anything else, I can’t remember what it is.

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