Is going to be three months old in TWO days! Oh my goodness. I’m going to have some super cute pictures of him taken next week, but for now, I’ll tell you all about three month old Ervin…
**He’s laughing now! He’s been so smiley for a while, but now he actually chuckles (and takes a bit of your heart with each guffaw).
**He’s slept through the night for a week!!
**By the end of the week, I think he’s going to be ten feet tall, the way he’s been eating lately. Every two hours for the past few days. It’s exhausting.
**He’s NOT a fan of the car these days. And it doesn’t help that he has been eating every two hours, because we can’t go anywhere without him wanting to eat at least once. He’d much rather be nursing or stretched out than in that car seat.
**He still gets lots of kisses from his big sister, and he’s been very popular at jewelry events lately (shows and training). He’ll be a jewelry husband in no time.
**He’s definitely growing..I’m not sure how long he is right now or how much he weighs, but he’s got a plump belly and some long, skinny legs!
In other news, I’ve got two new jewelry “babies” who are having their training shows in the next couple of weeks. I’m so excited to help them get started!!
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