I was right about yesterday…it was exhausting! Henry has to go back to school today, after THREE snow days IN A ROW. I’m not excited about waiting for the bus, at all, but I’m excited to get him out of the house.
We had a busy day yesterday. E. Belle took a nap in the afternoon, and then we left to get some groceries before my doctor’s appointment. Well, I’m not sure how I thought I was going to take three kids to WalMart and get everything we needed in 30 minutes, especially since I told them that they could spend their Christmas money. After getting the things on our list, we had about 20 minutes to pay for everything, load up, and get to the doctor, when the big two were deciding what they wanted to spend their money on. Henry picked his out last, and fast. Star Wars Legos. Easy peasy, lemon squeezie. Ivy, however…after 5-10 minutes of looking, pondering, “deciding”, I was yelling at her to “Pick Something Right This Minute Or We’re Leaving You!!” She finally did, we got in line, and waited. Finally, we got to the doctor’s office 9 minutes late (I had called while we were in the check-out line and they told me, “as long as you’re not more than ten minutes late, you’ll be fine”. Whew.). Then we sat in the waiting room for 10 more minutes, saw the nurse, and waited for the doctor for another 15 minutes.
Now, usually, the big two are running loose and E. Belle’s in her stroller. Well, when we were going on all of the Christmas trips, we took the stroller out of the car to make room for everything else, and yesterday I couldn’t find it. I have a sinking feeling that it’s under a foot of snow in the yard right now.
So, that was an experience.
And then we met T. and drove to somewhere in KC to look at a new (used) car. Yeah, I mentioned filling up the car at Christmas? Well, in a couple of months, we’ll no longer have the room in the van where the other bucket seat is supposed to go, because there will be a bucket seat there, with a newborn in it. And then where the heck are we supposed to put everything? In the back? Not so much. Definitely not groceries or luggage or Christmas presents for SIX. So anyway, we went to the dealership, where we looked at the Suburban that we’ll be picking up on Sunday. And T. took a 45-minute test drive with the salesman while I waited in the waiting area with the three kids, all of whom were running loose. Exhausting? Yes.
We got home at about 10:30 pm. Henry’s a little sensitive today. Thank goodness I can send him to school and the girls to nap while I (hopefully) get some stuff done this afternoon.
Because I have a lot to do. I get to have my very own jewelry show tomorrow night (that means I’m the jeweler AND the hostess!) to introduce the Brand New Spring Jewelry to some of my favorite people! But I also have to do the work of the jeweler AND the hostess, and get ready for a show on Saturday afternoon, plus my mom’s birthday dinner Saturday evening. Happy birthday tomorrow, Mom! Can’t believe you’ll be 39! We love you!!
By the way, the new spring jewelry is really pretty! Lots and lots of colors for the spring and summer. If anyone wants to see a catalog, let me know. I’d love to send you one!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Oh, and my jewelry mama’s birthday is today–Happy, happy, happy birthday, Liz!!
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