I only have one picture of the big two trick-or-treating, and it was actually before we left the house. Sunday night was kind of a mess (literally). E. Belle didn’t take much of a nap that afternoon, so while the big two were running around like crazy people waiting to go get candy from strangers, she was falling asleep in her high chair and, ultimately, puking on it. So, while T. was taking the big two to trick-or-treat at grandma and grandpa’s house a couple doors away, I was giving Baby a bath and putting her to bed.
T. stayed home with her while I took the big two out. Which is why there are no pictures. I had my camera ready to go, but then I had two little hands to hold the whole time. They had a lot of fun; they were very good this year, and we eventually met up with two of their cousins and went to a few houses before heading home.
It had been so windy and cold all day long that I put two layers on each kid before putting their costumes on. And then the wind stopped. But, they were comfortable (I think), except Ivy took her hat off after a few houses. Check on the boots….she insisted on them. But somehow, everybody still knew she was a princess!
And yes, Henry decided to be a mummy again. It worked out, though, and he looked super cute.
Actually, Ivy got a hold of my camera the next day and took some pictures of the loot inside her bucket…
Today has been a crazy day, so it’s good to just sit down and type this. And tomorrow can’t come soon enough….we’re having our ultrasound and (baby willing) we’ll find out if it’s a boy or girl!! Place your bets…blue or pink? Pink or blue? Stay tuned…
Blue! I am guessing Blue! But maybe I should be guessing Pink…then Essie and Ivy can come stay with me