Okay, first, I need to share a link with you. Megan takes amazing pictures, and I can’t wait for our family pictures in the fall (and if they’re free, even better!)
Now on to jewelry news. A lot of you know that our VERY generous company was giving away a TON of free jewelry for their 25th anniversary celebration. The contest ended last week, and I am proud to say that I earned $1000 in free jewelry!! Thanks to everyone who took me up on my specials over the past four months, and the fantastic hostesses who held home shows. The one that sent me over that $1000 mark earned $460 in free jewelry herself!
I’m so excited to go to Texas this month (oh my…it’s July already, isn’t it?!) to see and meet a whole lot of other jewelers, hear some great speaking and training, even a concert to celebrate the anniversary, and…..I can’t wait for the BRAND-NEW jewelry to be revealed!! If you haven’t booked a show to get your share of the new jewelry for FREE, what are you waiting for?! (And by the way, I will travel).
I’m headed to a jewelry show tonight for the aunt of the gal who earned so much free jewelry a couple of weeks ago. It’s exciting to meet all kinds of new people and keep expanding my “network” of jewelry lovers. One of my favorite customers, hostesses and people in general got me that first booking, so thanks! You know who you are! (If you’re curious who she is, she’s the one wearing all of the jewelry that SHE earned for free at her shows!). But before the show tonight, I get to send out invitations to one of my very first shows after the new line comes out, so that’s very exciting as well!
So many other bloggers do giveaways (see the first paragraph for an example), and I’m getting all of this free jewelry in a couple of weeks–I thought I’d share the wealth a little bit. I’m going to do a comment contest, and the winner is going to get a FREE LIMITED-EDITION necklace! By the way, I’m totally stealing this idea, so don’t think that I, in any way, thought this up. But who cares, right??
To enter: for one entry, leave a comment about this post below. For another entry, link me on your blog and leave a comment here that you did it. And for one more entry, contact me about hosting your own show and leave a comment that you did that (or leave a comment that you already booked your show!). The contest will be open until midnight CST, Sunday July 4th, and I’ll use a random number generator to choose the winning comment. Good luck!
I totally want to win this!!!
Already booked my show for August. Can't wait to see the new line.
I would totally link you to my blog, but I don't know how to do that.
Who can ever have enough jewelry? I would love to win some
Great idea! Pick me, Pick me!!!
Oh yes, I also linked you on my blog post that was set to be tomorrow, but somehow ended up being today!!!
Look at all your jewelry lovers! I am one of them and would LOVE to win free stuff!
I have my show booked for the end of July AND another one in October…yay!
And……I linked you! <a href="http://pickensfamilyperils.blogspot.com/2010/07/passionate-about-my-future.htmlhttp://pickensfamilyperils.blogspot.com/2010/07/p… />Have a great day – I am excited to see you guys Saturday!
Jewelry? Did somebody say jewelry?
I LOVE jewelry!! This is a fantastic thing to giveaway!! And I will link you tomorrow on my post!! I promise!
And I linked you under my "Love it" section.
carisa sent me and i'm so glad she did! who doesn't love jewelry? especially when someone is giving it away!
I linked you, I linked you!! I hope I sent some people your way!! Thanks for the reminder!
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