First off, if you haven’t entered my giveaway, go here and do it now. Nothing to lose, a necklace to gain. What are you waiting for?!
Oh, and one clarification from my Father’s Day post: one friend came out and asked me about T.’s gift, so I imagine a couple more of you may have thought it. No, his gift is not another baby on the way. It is a tattoo on his leg. I told his mom last night about it, so now I’m telling you.
I’m not sure how she’ll feel about this, but he has a VERY talented cousin who has a blog and knit B. Belle an adorable flowered-headband. I took a picture of her in it, and that happened to be the picture T. used for his tattoo. So, Carisa, your knitting has been immortalized.
On to the real reason for today’s post:
Baby Belle is shaped like a linebacker right now. So it’s really no wonder that she loves food. I mean, LOVES it. She’s happiest in her hairchair, it seems.
That is, unless she’s mad because you have food and you aren’t giving it to her, or giving it to her fast enough. Then she’s really, really mad.
Notice the tears in her eyes? That’s because she finished one bowl and I had to get up, walk away from her, and get her more yogurt.
Baby LOVES spaghetti-os, meatballs, applesauce, pasta, macaroni, eggs, toaster scrambles, pancakes, crackers, cereal, chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans. If you’re eating it, baby LOVES it, and baby wants it. NOW.
Ohhh! I love being so significant! The funny thing is my exact words to Jeff right after I read your post: "Jeff, I think Greta's pregnant!" And if you were, I'd be all ready to work on the hat.
Thanks for letting me in on it!!!
Love the tattoo, Tyson! Essie is so dang adorable!