Yesterday, the kids and I were driving to gymnastics in Lawrence. We had just gotten onto Highway 10 (where the speed limit is 65 mph), and the car in front of me slowed down and came to a dead stop. I never honk my horn, mostly because I don’t have fast enough reflexes, but this time I did, because the whole thing seemed a little dangerous to me! But then I see two long-necked, tall geese saunter across the road. I actually called them swans, because their necks were so long and they were so tall. So then I felt bad that I had honked, because obviously I wouldn’t want these creatures to get run over, but it WAS still dangerous to stop in the middle of a highway. From the backseat, Henry saw them walking and said “they’re going back to the river.”. Well, the river was a few miles away, and I was sad because I wasn’t sure where they were going or if they would make it, so I said “yeah, Henry, they’re going to the river, and I hope they make it.” To that, my thoughtful little almost-five-year-old said “I know what we can do, mama! We can catch the swans with our fishing pole and take them back home.” It melted my heart.

And just because, here are some pictures…