Last night was a long night. T. left Wednesday morning for training, and didn’t get back until this afternoon. The kids and I did fine, of course….we survived. But last night was the night before T. got back, and no matter how long he’s away, the last night with him gone is always the worst. By then, I’m at the end of my rope, for sure. But I got the kids in bed last night without incident, and watched TV for a while. Unfortunately, it was Thursday night, so there was a lot to watch on the DVR. Essie and I finally went to bed at something like 11:00, but I couldn’t go to sleep. I guess it was too quiet without all the snoring. I finally got to sleep sometime after midnight, and Henry woke me up at 2:45 am. He had woken up and started crying because his music wasn’t playing. So I pushed play on the CD player and went back to bed. At 4:30, Essie woke me up, crying and hungry for a bottle. I fed her and went back to sleep. At 6:45, guess who woke me up? Ivy! She woke up and started crying because she didn’t have her binky….I went in and found it for her…on her pillow. At 9:00, Essie woke up again, hungry again. By the time the big two woke up, my eyes were burning and I was so very comfortable under the blankets. It was another hour before I could crawl out of bed. But that was only the beginning.
Even though both kids were knocking on their doors and yelling that they wanted out, when I tried to open Henry’s door, he wouldn’t let me. And I smelled poop. Henry’s been potty trained for a year now, but he wears pull-ups at night, just to be safe. I went and got Ivy and tried Henry’s door again…still no go. A couple of minutes later I asked Henry if he was going to stay in there all day, he said “no”. I asked him if he was poopy, he said “yes”. I finally got the door open and almost threw up the breakfast I hadn’t eaten yet. And you know, I’m a mom, so it takes a lot for me to get sick to my stomach. Not only was his pull-up full of diarrhea, but so was the little plastic toy box by his door. I’m still not exactly sure what happened in there.
After that…well, I was a little cranky. BUT…
A few hours later: hooray! Daddy came home!!
you are a brave mommy with 3 kids by yourself for 3 days! you deserve a nap!
For the record. I do not snore.
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