I’ve been following @SuburbanHaiku on Twitter FOR.EVER. I’m pretty sure she was one of my first follows there, and every time I saw one of the haikus come through my stream, I laughed out loud and retweeted it.
Fast forward a few years, and I “liked” Suburban Haiku on Facebook, and the same thing happened there (except with a “like” instead of an “RT”). Recently, I’ve actually friended Peyton Price on Facebook, and I feel like I’m “friends” with a celebrity because I’ve been following her for so long. Of course, I didn’t actually know what her name was, but show me Suburban Haiku and it was an instant brain connection.
When I heard that Peyton was putting out a book of her haikus, I raised my hand as fast as I could to get a copy, and when I got it in the mail, I ripped it open and read it cover to cover.
Just like the tweets and the Facebook statuses, the book makes me chuckle and sigh, because I see myself so much in so many of them, and I see the suburban and priviliged moms and dads in others.
From Peyton Price: Suburban Haiku: Poetic Dispatches from Behind the Picket Fence is the story of my life, and yours. It just happens to be in haiku. You might think that’s weird. You might have stopped reading this already, because, well, poetry.
But I’ll let the rest of you in on a little secret. A haiku is like a tiny little mirror. I’m capturing my reflection, but when you have a look, you see your own reflection. And if you take a close look, don’t you just have to laugh?
I started tapping out haiku when my kids were small because I needed to feel like I accomplished something at the end of the day, and 17 syllables was about what I could handle. As it turns out, haiku is a pretty good way to vent about life’s absurdities and frustrations. When I started tweeting these little rants, I was surprised to find out how many other moms were in the same boat—and how much easier it is to row together. I hope people who read this book discover the same thing, and have a good laugh doing it.
You WILL laugh, because you’ll probably see yourself and your life in a lot of these haikus, just like I do.
For more hilarious haikus, visit Suburban Haiku, the website. Then Pick it the book on Amazon, or enter my giveaway below…I’m giving a copy away! Giveaway will run one week, and winner will be notified via email. Giveaway open to US residents only.
I was given a copy of the book to review, but all opinions are 100% my own.
Trying to come up
With a cute Haiku
Is simply impossible
I want a copy
If for nothing else but to
bop kids on their heads
Peyton is the bestest.
Our moms need this book
To prove how similar the
Stories of mom's are.
Peytons book is fantastic!!!
This sounds like my inner monologue, but with less swears.
I love a haiku
especially when written
by fab peyton price
I am too lazy
To write haikus too
So I live through Peyton Price!
I have heard SO MUCH about Peyton's new book and it sounds right up my alley! Would love to win a copy!!
I like to laugh. I like haikus. I'd love to win a copy of the book!!!
I am the smartass
Who responds to her haiku
With words of my own
Looks like such a fun book! My girls love haikus too because they write them so often at school.
poetry is fun!
if for no other main intent
than to win a book
Why did I not know such a great thing existed! this is awesome – I have to go back and read all the tweets.
I sure hope I win
although I have a copy
I'm greedy like that.
Not good at poems.
That is all.
Does it count?
I love it! This looks like such a fun read.
Took a Vicodin
My old knee is killing me.
Am I coherent?
not sure what to write
Leaving it up to others
I just want this great book !
~ I tried