The littlest and I have had a rough week. He’s not feeling so great, and as a result, neither of us are sleeping so well.
On Wednesday morning, we were getting ready for our weekly outing to our storytime/mom’s group hour, and he was driving me crazy. Telling me “no” and “I can’t” to every single thing I said, and crying to be picked up while I was trying to gather things to leave. If it hadn’t been my week to be in charge, I probably would’ve just said “screw it” and stayed home with him.
On the way to pick up Essie at preschool afterwards, he was still disagreeable, but he started talking about the cows he was seeing (there are a lot of them between one town and another).
All of the sudden, he asks me “Can I give dem a song?” I told him he could, and he starts humming nnnnnuh nnnuh nnnuhhh with his own inner melody.
We pass the first field of cows and come upon another. Can I give some nother songs? And the humming starts again for a few moments.
Another field of cows, another song: Can I sing to da cows? nnnnuh gggguh nnnnnuh squeeeeeeak
After a morning of tantrums and disagreements, he had me turning down the radio and then clicking it off completely to hear “da cow songs.”
And the next day? I saw more cows! Dey want a song.
I'm glad there was a little light in your day, Greta. Kids have an uncanny ability to do little things like that, even after a day of completely stressing us out!
Being a mom is hard and it's not always so super fun and our kids drive us crazy. Then just like that the moment can change and all of a sudden the come from nowhere to surprise us and make us smile and adore them again. I will never look at a cow without thinking day need a song!
Cow songs!!! Adorable. God makes our kids cute so we don't lose our minds when they are………. Not so cute.
He is the cutest!!
So cute, I love how they make up songs. Lauren is at that stage. And I also turn off the radio to hear her
Ha ha. That's too cute. Glad the cows made him forget about what was bothering him and made him release his inner muse!!! Out of all three of my kids my youngest definitely makes up the most songs – and they aren't too bad either. Have a great weekend!
[…] 23 This kid. I’m glad he decided to wait until he was two and a half to get to the terrible twos. With the rest of them, it was 18 […]
I hope he is feeling better soon. I love turning off the radio and listening to my daughters songs.
Music of any kind usually helps me the mood around here too…
so cute…
I love your face in this post, Greta. A little amused, a little tired, and much love.