You know my lovely #iPPP co-host, Sarah (of course)? And her 365 Days of Self-Portraits Project, where she takes a self-portrait every day that she, herself, has taken? And her last #iPPP post, where she kind of kicked our collective butts about how we are, in fact, interesting enough to take pictures of? Well, I was inspired. So, after I got off the treadmill yesterday morning, I got my camera out and I started setting it up, with the timer, and shot myself. (I know you’re probably sick of seeing my face, but when Sarah talks, it’s hard not to listen)

I’m not going to lie. It wasn’t easy. I know that Sarah takes a few minutes every day to get one good shot of herself. I decided I would spend the day trying to get a few, because I couldn’t see myself doing it every day (I would have to put makeup on every day to be comfortable, for one thing, and that’s not going to happen). And I have very little experience with the timer and getting the frame. Plus, my favorite lens doesn’t zoom, so you have to physically back up to get a wider shot, and I had a lot of trouble setting the camera where it needed to be to get what I wanted. After the big two got home from school, I finally switched to my kit lens (that came with the camera). I don’t like it half as much, but it was easier to set up.

So. What I ended up with is sort of a “day in the life” featuring….me.

They’re not all flattering. I’m hyper-critical of all of them (these and ALL of the others that aren’t here)…my unwashed hair, my bad skin, even the fingerprints on my laptop. But well….let’s just call the post “brave” instead of “dumb”, mmmkay?

coffee 2

Breakfast. Coffee. Wilting Valentine’s Day flowers.

bird watching 2

Watching the birds out the window. There were a lot that day.

bird watching

More bird discussion.

muffins 2

Making more gluten free muffins to freeze. The bananas were not going to last another day.

coloring 2

She wanted me to help her color (this one was HARD to get).

laptop 2 bw

Commenting on some #iPPP posts, and other random internet distractions.

homework help

The kids had a lot of homework from their sick day on Tuesday. This is my “I’m not going to tell you again to get busy!” face.


Henry was NOT getting busy. I finally swatted him on the head and told him to get to work, and we all had a good laugh.


I knew if I sat on the floor, I’d be swarmed by kids. I didn’t anticipate the kitty photobombing.


Finally, the two of us.

after dinner

Snuggles at the end of a long day.

Linking up with Essence of Now, because, well….obviously.