You know my lovely #iPPP co-host, Sarah (of course)? And her 365 Days of Self-Portraits Project, where she takes a self-portrait every day that she, herself, has taken? And her last #iPPP post, where she kind of kicked our collective butts about how we are, in fact, interesting enough to take pictures of? Well, I was inspired. So, after I got off the treadmill yesterday morning, I got my camera out and I started setting it up, with the timer, and shot myself. (I know you’re probably sick of seeing my face, but when Sarah talks, it’s hard not to listen)
I’m not going to lie. It wasn’t easy. I know that Sarah takes a few minutes every day to get one good shot of herself. I decided I would spend the day trying to get a few, because I couldn’t see myself doing it every day (I would have to put makeup on every day to be comfortable, for one thing, and that’s not going to happen). And I have very little experience with the timer and getting the frame. Plus, my favorite lens doesn’t zoom, so you have to physically back up to get a wider shot, and I had a lot of trouble setting the camera where it needed to be to get what I wanted. After the big two got home from school, I finally switched to my kit lens (that came with the camera). I don’t like it half as much, but it was easier to set up.
So. What I ended up with is sort of a “day in the life” featuring….me.
They’re not all flattering. I’m hyper-critical of all of them (these and ALL of the others that aren’t here)…my unwashed hair, my bad skin, even the fingerprints on my laptop. But well….let’s just call the post “brave” instead of “dumb”, mmmkay?

The kids had a lot of homework from their sick day on Tuesday. This is my “I’m not going to tell you again to get busy!” face.

Henry was NOT getting busy. I finally swatted him on the head and told him to get to work, and we all had a good laugh.
Linking up with Essence of Now, because, well….obviously.
Greta, I think you did wonderfully, and your pictures are beautiful!
I love seeing YOU.
Keep doing it.
Thank you, Alison! It was exhausting, but fun. I think I will keep it up, at least sporadically.
This is so wonderful Greta! How great that you did this. I love this glimpse into your day. (Also, the kitty photobombing made me smile.)
Thank you so much, Kim! I'm glad I did it, even if I wasn't very good at it. That's what practice is for, right?
And yeah….put something down that flashes and beeps and the cats will be there, stat.
love love love love love!!
Thank you, Lydia!
I love these pictures. It is beautiful to see you in the simple moments of your day.
Are you kidding me with this? SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! (that's still not enough exclamation points) I'm SO glad you did this. I'm working on a week's worth of photos myself, just shot today's actually.
I just love these, especially the first one and the homework time ones. And well all of them!!
Good for you, Greta, keep it up!
Oh, thank you, Elaine! I can't wait to see yours, too!!
They are beautiful! I need to remind myself to get in the pictures. What a great gift to give to you kidlets when they are older! A reminder of the days spent with mom.
Thank you, Jenn! I hope so. It was kind of fun to get in front of the camera and see what I could come up with!
the one of you looking out the window with the birds is my favorite. Such a sweet moment! and of course the kitty photo bomb one is funny.
Thank you, Kristi! There were so many birds out in the cold, and Erv was chattering on about them. It was fun.
You have no reason to be critical because these are absolutely perfect….every one of them. I would love to try this….did you find it was distracting knowing that the camera was going off?
Thank you so much, Amanda! I know when I look at Sarah's pictures every day, I never sees the flaws that I know she sees. So I was hoping that it would be the same for me. It was a little distracting, but I had to try each one several times to even get the frame right. So it was a process, but I think I'll get better. You should definitely try it!
Greta these are awesome. I love day in the life photos. The one with the three of you laughing at the table is seriously frame worthy. Such a moment. Well done!
Thank you, Leigh Ann! The homework ones were funny. I was seriously annoyed with the whole thing (they have a lot of homework to do). Plus, Henry would duck down and hide from the camera every time I started the timer. But that was definitely a very real moment that made us all forget about the picture being taken!
These are so cool…your kids will love seeing them when they are grown. Was this an incredible amount of work to set up?
It kind of was, Gigi. Only because I've only used a timer, maybe twice before. And I was using the wrong lens for this, so each time I wanted to take a picture, I would have to take a test shot, then move the camera a little, take another test shot, on and on. But after I switched to the regular one and kind of got the hang of it, it got a lot easier. I may not do it every day now, but I'll definitely be doing it again!
These are amazing! I know what it's like to not love what you see but 10 years from now you'll be so glad you have them! I need to figure out how to do this!
Thank you, Evin! I'm so glad I did it. And I hope you try it, too! I'd love to see them!!
Lovely job, Greta! I loved it!
Thank you, Kristin!
Love this Greta! What a beautiful collection of photos, you'll treasure them for forever. I think it would be neat to put together something like this on a monthly basis over the years.
Thank you, Tiffany! And that's a great idea. I know I couldn't do it every day, but taking some every month or so is definitely doable!
I love this Greta!!!!!!
Thank you! It was a lot of work, getting the hang of it, but I'm so glad I did it!
That was a really great post. The pics were awesome.
Thank you, Jennifer!
Oh, thank you, Tracie. I'm so glad I made myself do it.
I love this, and Sarah's posts too, because it is real. The real real. I think we all need to share more of that.
Thank you, Jennifer. I agree completely!
Seriously, these are amazing. I love the look at your day and I think you look great – really natural (and by that I don't mean "plain"!). I always look like I can tell I'm taking my own picture. And the photos themselves are really good. I think you did an excellent job and can only imagine what it took to get all these.
The timer was only ten seconds, but I think I did an okay job of setting it, then going to DO something (like mix up batter or whatever), so I was hoping it looked natural.
Greta, this is just awesome. I love the shots you got. I'm so inspired by Sarah's project too. I think I might give it a whirl. (For a day anyway). And your "get busy with your homework" face is MUCH nicer than mine! I hate homework!!
You definitely should!! Some of those homework shots were not so "nice" but by then, the kids were just driving me nuts and I couldn't help but give them some crazy eyes.
And thank you, Jen! I like how it turned out, and I'll do it again once in a while.
Okay Miss Greta, you will be gratified to know that my daughter was leaning over my shoulder looking at your pictures and she said, “She’s pretty!”
So there!
Heehee! I love your daughter.
Neat take on the "A Day in the Life" concept, Greta. I like the timed camera aspect – it adds a lot of authenticity to the project!
Thanks, Kristin! I was trying to be as natural as possible….I think it worked.
I love them all.
Thanks, Poppy!
I love, love, love this post. I loved seeing a day in your life. My favorites are the snuggle ones. I loved the face of "Let's get busy". I am so familiar with that face over here. What a great idea to do this and p.s. you are beautiful!
Ha! Thank you, AnnMarie. There were several homework shots and I liked those two the best. And thank you for your sweet words!!
Love this glimpse into your life. It is such a cool way to get to know you and your adorable kids!
Thanks, Doc! My kids' lives are super documented, but I thought it was time (with a push from Sarah) to document mine as well.
These are ahhhhhmazing! I love that you did this. Life is such a blur it is so nice that you captured these sweet moments. My favorites are the homework pictures. And by the way, I'm very impressed with your camera/timer abilities.
Oh, goodness, Angela. Don't be impressed…..I took A LOT of test shots. But thank you! I would love to see you do this some time!!
These photos are definitely cool and not dumb. I especially love the kitty photo-bombed one!
Oh, thank you! Yeah, I knew as soon as I set the camera down there that the cats wouldn't leave it alone. I giggled when I saw the result!
I went out with my hubby and did a photo shoot a few months back. Like you I nitpick everything about my pics. Mainly how I look like a beached whale in everything. I love these. Your kids are sooo stinkin cute and darling you are beautiful.
Thank you. I know that no one else would see what you see if you were to do this, too.
I love seeing this look into your life and I agree you look beautiful! I hope to get out there and do something like this as well. I love it!
Well, you're a busy gal these days, Brittany, but after you have some time free up, you should try it! Thank you!
I love it. You did a great job. You kind of make me want to try it (also Sarah made me want to!) – maybe I should learn how to use the time on my camera. I have no idea how it works. I love how real this post is – just showing real life.
Thank you so much, Katie! I would love to see some of yours. You can get that new camera figured out (or get the manual out)!
Oh my gosh, I love these pictures! They are fantastic! My faves are all of you laughing at the table, the bird watching, and the first one with breakfast. Great job! I love it and you look great!
Thank you, Tara! It was a LOT of trial and error, but I'm so glad I did it!
Gorgeous! I love that you take the time to do this. One day you will look back and be less critical of yourself. And you'll just see your beauty.
That's my hope, Renee! And honestly, it helps a lot to get good feedback from these pictures. I know that I'm so much more critical than anybody else it. I'll definitely do it again (and again).
I absolutely love this. Continue to be brave; you're gorgeous and worth it.
Thank you so much, Arnebya! Being brave gets easier, right?
I LOVE love love this! I love seeing into your world and daily life. The pictures came out beaufully. You are inspiring me to do the same thing!
Yay! It's like an inspiration chain. Thanks, Audrey!
I love these! They're so authentic and show how lovely and frustrating a day with littles can be… all at the same time.
Thank you, Angela! Lovely and frustrating…such is my life.
Also, whoops
This is Angela… I guess I'm still in Write on Edge reading mode
Your pictures are absolutely wonderful! What a great day-in-the-life!
Lulu and Daisy
Thank you so much, Laurie! It was hard work, but fun!
I love every single one of these!!!! I love the idea and I can't wait to get my camera out.
Thank you, Leighann! I can't wait to see your pictures!!
Nicely done on the pictures of yourself! I've been thinking lately that I don't have enough of me either.
Thanks, Jess! I highly recommend it.
Okay, so this is crazy– just looked at your about me page. Mine also go boy, girl, girl, boy. They are 8, 6, almost 4, and about 15 months.
That's so funny, Nina! We obviously had the same idea(s). Thanks for visiting!
You and your photos are flat out, 2 snaps and a bump gorgeous! As someone who hides behind the camera I hereby award you a Medal of Honor for bravery. And a cookie.
Oh, thank you, Lisa!! I'll take that cookie.
Love! What a lovely idea and what wonderful pictures. I like seeing a glimpse of your day and am inspired to do something similar. Maybe. Once I put some makeup on. And brush my hair.
Thank you, thank you! And yes….I feel the same way. It's MUCH easier when you feel presentable!!
Greta! These are beautiful photos and I love the glimpse into your life. I'm totally intrigued by this idea. Did it take a lot of time to set up? I mean, even with the yoga pictures I take, I find that it takes A LOT more time than I anticipated when I first started them.
Christine! Thank you so much! It took me a long time to set up, I'll be honest. Mostly because I was using the wrong lens for what I was doing. Once I switched, it was much easier. And, I think with all of the trial and error, I get better as the day went on anyway!
This is beautiful and I love the ones of you looking out the windows. I've been tempted to try this…
I love these! They are perfect, and so are the connections. And you'll be so glad you have them.
I love these! I think this is such a great idea. I have no idea how to use the timer on my camera and am also super critical of pictures but maybe someday I'll give in and try it out!