I’m not usually one to do a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or whatever. And I still won’t, because it’s not something I’ll stick to. But, I was accepted into the Mamavation sistahood, so I’m going to make some goals for myself, on this last day of 2012, moving forward into 2013.
The last couple months of this year were going really well, but then the holidays happened, and the traveling, and everything went downhill. And I’m feeling it….I’m dragging, seriously. I’m ready to get back on the horse and get active again, so maybe I can get some of that energy and drive back.
In 2013, I want to:
Run an entire 5K, (officially)
Train for and finish the Warrior Dash that I’m signed up for in April
Jog (not walk) 500 miles (does anybody know of a good phone app that’ll keep track of this?)
I need to go back to making better food choices, but this year, I’m going to focus on staying active and the eating will (hopefully) go along with that.
Great goals- very specific!
Thanks! Today is the day to get going and KEEP going. Consistency is key, right?!
You can do it, Greta! It's great you're starting with achievable goals, because it's so easy to give up if it's too big and too hard. Good luck and happy new year!
Thanks, Alison! If I think about it too much, they seem awfully big. I just need to get started and keep going!!
Awesome job!! You can do this!!
Thank you!!
Whoo hoo I want to run a 5K too! Good luck on your goals
Thanks, Meghan, you too!
Happy new year and good luck with your goals!
Surfed in from the Mamavation boards. Nice to meet you!
Thank you! Nice to meet you, too!
Welcome to the sistahood!!! I think I need to do a couch to 5k or something because I cannot run, but would love to! Good luck in achieving your goals!
I was NOT a runner either, until the middle of last year. Couch to 5K is really great for getting started! Thanks!
Love the goals! I'm not sure of a phone app, but I can keep an eye out. First thing that comes to mind might be Daily Mile? I hope you have a super awesome 2013!
Thank you, Joanna! Time to get going!
Awesome goals!! Good luck on the Warrior Dash! I've always wanted to do one; it looks intense but amazing. Happy 2013!
Thanks, Kristin! I'm nervous but excited about the Warrior Dash. I think crossing the finish line will be AMAZING.
Yes! Awesome goals. Happy to have you with us!
Thanks, Lydia! Glad to have joined.
Those are great goals! I was wondering about the mamavation? How can I join?
Kelly, here's the link about how to get started: http://www.mamavation.com/how-to-pledge
Basically, you write a post about why you want to join and then link it up in the forum on the Monday post. Then, if/when you're accepted, they'll ask you on twitter to join. It's a little confusing, but you can message me on FB if you have questions!
Love it, girl! Cheering you on from here!!
Thanks, Galit! I need all the cheering I can get, when I start to think about the 500 miles….EEP!
Congrats on your Mamavation news! My exercise routine got completely derailed in December and feels like starting all over, but here I go…here WE go…WE can do it!
I know, right? I\’m sick today, but I\’m antsy to get started on my 500 miles….the more I think about that, the scarier it seems!
Congrats on Mamavation! I've heard such great things. I love your goals and will be cheering you on. Some running apps that I know a lot of folks use are daily mile, runtastic, map my run…Good luck and Happy New Year!
Awesome goals! I love that they are so specific. I'm doing my first 5k too and I am determined to run the whole thing.
Good luck!
I feel the same way. I seriously need to get back on the horse and continue my almost daily walking and also my pilates. I actually miss it. It makes such a difference. Good luck! And Happy New Year!
Fun is a fantastic word! I still could not come up with my word a few days later.
It's hard to come up with one that you might actually try to live your life (for a whole year) by!
Great goals! I'm not sure if dailymile.com has an app but I used it to keep track of my walking. I'd map routes I took so when I got home I just selected which one I walked and it kept track of the miles for me.
[…] Mamavation Update Posted on January 13, 2013 by Greta • 0 CommentsSo, if you like my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen my running updates. And if you remember my goals for the year, you’ll know that one of them is to run 500 miles in 2013. […]
[…] writes about her family (she has four kids!) and their gluten free life, and her goal is to run 500 miles in 2013 (which I think is totally awesome). One of my favourite posts is Losing Steam, a recent one of hers […]