We’re halfway through September. GAH.
Sept 9
It was a gorgeous day, and we planned to go to the track so the kids could ride bikes. But, when they do, there’s not a whole lot of running or jogging time for us. So, I got on the treadmill before we went and jogged TWO. WHOLE. MILES. This is HUGE for me, because I have never in my life been a runner. I was convinced I could not do it. This picture was taken right after I got done (and yes, I ran outside to where Henry and Ivy were and asked Ivy to take my picture. What of it?)
Sept 10
Ervin. He’s one. Climbs on absolutely everything. I have to put the dining room chairs on top of the table if he’s awake.
Sept 11
Another gorgeous day for playing outside and doing silly physical stunts on the trampoline.
Sept 12
Waiting for the bus, and Essie makes a friend.
Sept 13
School picture day! (let’s hope they smiled!)
Sept 14
I took the two youngest to the Kansas City Zoo, where we met up with Julie and her Monkey. The weather was absolutely GLORIOUS. Between the hills, the miles between exhibits, and the stroller pushing, we got a good workout in. Oy.
Sept 15
Then, on Saturday afternoon, since the big two missed out on the whole zoo outing because they were in school, we went out. We didn’t have the gluten free girl with us, so we ate donuts and gorged on fried food (seriously….I was nauseous by the time we got home). Can I just say that grocery shopping with those two was harder than taking the little two to the store? They were CRAZY. It’s like they never get to leave the house.
(This was also the day I jogged Two and a Half MILES!!!!)
Go you with the working out!!!
Thanks!! I actually get disappointed when I miss my chance in the afternoon.
Your workouts are inspiring! LOVE the hair on the trampoline!
I love that picture, too. She was being such a goofball! And thank you, AnnMarie!
Way to go with the jogging! It takes all the effort I have to just walk to the mailbox.
Hee hee! I've definitely amazed myself recently. Now, if I could get outside and jog….
Good for you for working out!
Thanks, Kimberly!