My good friend Jamie from Chosen Chaos (whom I have yet to meet in real life but am HOPING to someday) had a series called “If I Could Turn Back Time.” in which she asked various bloggers this question:
If you had the opportunity to sit down with your 18 year old self, what would you say to her?
I wrote a letter to my 18-year-old self for Jamie’s blog shortly before I made my new home. Now, Jamie is wrapping the series up and inviting everyone who wrote a post for it to share it on our own blogs and link them all up together. You can see the rest of them here.
Dear 18-Year-Old Greta,
Right now you’re excited about graduating high school and going to college. But I know you’re scared. Of everything. Scared of new people, of being in that huge university with very few people that you know, of having kids one day, of not having any friends, of being single for the rest of your life.
Girl. STOP IT. Yes, the world is big, but you will be FINE. People will like you, boys will like you (unless you act like a crazy stalker, so don’t do that), you will have a difficult but meaningful adult life, and you will have four of the most beautiful, interesting, creative, maddening kids imaginable.
Most things that happen to you aren’t that big of a deal, so I don’t want to spoil them for you. But, I do want to warn you about a few things:
First (and most importantly), you need to LIVE, really live, because right now, you’re in a bubble. A couple of awful, tragic things are going to happen to you and you don’t want to have any regrets. I know you’re shy, but things will only be better if you come out of your shell a little. Take a ton of pictures because when you’re depressed about these bad things that are happening, you won’t be filing memories away like you should. And you NEED to remember the good stuff that happens, too. It’s the only way you’ll thrive.
Speaking of being depressed….after the first very bad thing happens, go ahead and get an antidepressant from your doctor. She will ask you if you want it, and you will try to be strong. But you will need it, so you might as well get started on it right away.
BUT, before that, when your doctor gives you a prescription that is supposed to get rid of your zits? DO NOT TAKE IT. THROW IT AWAY. IT WILL HAVE THE OPPOSITE EFFECT AND YOU WILL WANT TO HIDE FOR AN ENTIRE SEMESTER. That college ballroom dance class will be a lot more fun if your face isn’t covered in erupting volcanoes and you’re too embarrassed to dance so closely with members of the opposite sex.
Also, that boy that calls you and professes his love? It’s romantic, yes. But he’s bad news. File that away.
So, in conclusion 18-Year-Old Self:
You’re cute, you’re smart, people will like you if you talk to them, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GO TO A DERMATOLOGIST FIRST.
Good luck,
31-Year-Old Greta
P.S. Try not to do anything TOO stupid or embarrassing because remember those kids that you think you’re not going to have? They’re going to ask a LOT of questions.
P.P.S. Speaking of….you might as well start thinking of some good answers to hard questions now. Death, giving birth, monthly cycles? Your 31-year-old self is not very good at thinking on her toes about this stuff, so take some notes now and practice. Trust me.
You were too, too cute. And how annoying were skin problems in college? SO. FRUSTRATING. And not fair. NOT FAIR.
You've had a lot of not fair, and you do seem to come through it ok each time. But I gotta wonder…how much toll has it taken? And how much do you hide behind the grin?
Maybe I'll find out one day!
I don't really know myself. A lot., probably.
College skin problems are almost as bad as adult skin problems. SO NOT FAIR.
Loved re-reading all these letters. Yours is awesome!
Oh, thanks, Alison! I still need to go back and visit them!
This is such a great letter to your 18 year old self. If we had only known then what we know now!
Life would have been so much easier and so much more boring, I bet!
First of all, 18 year old you is SUPER SUPER cute! Can't even imagine the acnee problems. And second of all, I'm going to use your advice re: depression for my 16 year old who struggles with it, and I've been humming and hawwing about getting him on meds. You've made up my mind. Thank you.
Aw, thank you, Sandra! And I'm so glad I could help. Depression is tough, especially when you don't get help. And there is NOTHING wrong with getting help. Good luck to you and your son.
I love this letter and the picture. I remember when I got my senior pics done I think they made me pose the same way, lol.
Oh, the 18 YO Greta is so adorable! We all have an ex bad guy in our 18 year old selves' lives don't we? That's one part of youth I have no desire to go back to. (-:
Chicago in 2013… not too far of a drive is it?!? Thank you for linking up Greta!
4 kids asking questions, dayum. my 2 is hard enough!
I know, right? Thankfully, at the moment, only the oldest two ask the questions. But the third will start shortly, I know.
Oh my gosh! I totally did not break out until college too, SO annoying!
I like the advice to take lots of pictures!