My kids have been gone since Sunday.
I miss them terribly, but I have crammed so much into this week that I can’t normally do without finding somebody to watch them, or taking them with me, or having them all up in my hair. It’s been FABULOUS. And I know they’re having a ton of fun at their grandparents’ house because they won’t even talk to me on the phone (except Ivy. I can count on Ivy.) Even Ervin, my baby, whom I’ve never been away from for more than a day, is apparently doing JUST FINE WITHOUT ME.
This has been my #kidvacation:
July 22
Sunday was the girls’ rainbow birthday party, and then they went home with grandma and grandpa. It was so quiet in the house. I actually got most of the party stuff cleaned up and organized.
Here’s a blurry picture of the birthday girls and myself.
July 23
Monday, I woke up and ate leftover gluten free brownies for breakfast (I didn’t have to answer to anyone!), then visited a good friend that I hadn’t seen in TOO LONG. We took her two girls to a neighbor’s pool and just lounged, literally, for at least an hour and a half. Heaven.
July 24
Tuesday…what did I do Tuesday? I swam, all by myself (and burned my backside). Again, Heaven. I laid around and watched Tabetha Takes Over. I blogged. I was covered in kittens all day. And then I went to the local pizza place with T, which we haven’t really been to since we went gluten free.

I was so excited to be swimming by myself that I posted a picture of my bad skin, in the bright sunlight, without really being able to see it.
July 25
Ivy’s 5th birthday! I got to spend the whole day with Mama Mash, and it was fabulous. We ate at a restaurant, shopped for paint for the kids’ room and, you know, whatever, and went to see the Batman movie. Thanks PMash for letting us be carefree for the day!
July 26
Thursday, I spent the entire day out. (Ask T….he gave me a hard time about it). I got my eyebrows waxed, bought the kids some school shoes, ate a big girl restaurant lunch of salmon salad, got my hair done, wandered around Walmart for two hours while I got new tires put on my car, met up with another good friend and got a pedicure and ate dinner. Then I came home and immediately went to walk on the track with my mom. It was a packed day!
July 27
Another lazy morning, then painting the kids’ room until I ran out of paint and went on a date night with T. We went to Home Depot and saw a science fiction movie (because we’re total romantics) and then had a late dinner.
July 28
The last day of our kid-free week. I finished painting the kids’ room and adding in the finishing touches (all inspired by the rainbow party). I think they’ll like it, I know I do!
Tonight, we’ll go to dinner (just the hubs and I) and make another stop at Wal-Mart for new curtains for the kids. Exciting Saturday night!
Tomorrow, we’ll meet up with the kids and in-laws for T’s grandma’s 90th birthday party. And I’ll get back to reality.
What would you do with a #kidvacation?!
I loved keeping up with you on your #kidvacation on Instagram! (also, jealous)
Love the new color in the kids room!
I love it, too! Isn't it so…cheerful?
Andy and I had a week off of the kids in June when we were traveling and then I had that jaunt out west for a week. You know what's so funny- and I was trying to explain to my friends- is how EASY it was to slip into kid-free mode. Like scary easy. Like holy cow this is what my life used to be llike easy! Of course I missed them to bits and love them like no tomorrow- but just for those few ever so brief moments- it all came back to me in a flash. How was it for you? Easy to be YOU again?
It's really true, Farrah. I was totally crying when they pulled out of the driveway on Sunday. And Monday, I was lonely and missing them. Then, over the next few days., I got used to it! I do still miss them, of course. But yeah…I'm really enjoying this carefree time.
After today I could use a kid vacation. I'm going to visit my mom next weekend, with just the girls… Looking forward to that! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and got some time to be YOU. Now your rested and ready for them with open arms!!!
Sounds like you had a fabulous week! And I'm glad the kids had fun too.
I get to have a #kidvacation in 2 weeks! I can't even believe it. By "kids' room" do you mean their playroom? Cuz I'm thinking all 4 of them don't share a bedroom….right?
The big three do now. It used to be just the girls together, but we moved Henry in there, and they love it. Plus, now we have a toy room upstairs instead of downstairs. I hated having the toys all over as soon as you walk in the door!
Wow, those are some awesome, hands-on grandparents to take on four kids for a week! (I'm jealous.)
[…] Bloggy-Style Posted on August 1, 2012 by Greta • 0 CommentsWhile I was on #kidvacation last week, there was one day that was the Best. Mail. Day. Ever. Probably even better than any […]
[…] Review and #Giveaway! Posted on August 1, 2012 by Greta • 0 CommentsYou may have seen my #kidvacation date night outfit on Instagram last week. On Friday evening, it was only about 90 degrees, and got […]
Your week free sounds AMAZING and wonderful! Sigh……I would do lots of the same things, wonder around a store I like by myself, get my hair cut or done, do my nails, a few date nights and lots of reading and movies in bed
Hope you had a great break! Your pic with the sun dress and boots is so cute!
[…] to T’s grandma’s 90th birthday party and picked up the kids from there (remember my #kidvacation last week?). They weren’t thrilled to be going home, any of them. That always makes me feel […]