We had a co-birthday party for the girls this weekend, so yeah. I forgot about this post. But, now all of the kids are with grandma and grandpa for the week, and I’m watching reality tv instead of Bubble Guppies, drinking coffee with the laptop on my lap. Good a time as any to catch up, I suppose!
July 15
Essie’s third birthday!
July 16
Ivy taught herself to tie a shoe, after weeks of not trying or practicing (that girl is going to keep me up at night when she’s older), so Essie, of course, wanted to try. T patiently helped.
July 17
We were back at swim lessons. Oy. And it was back up to 100 degrees. Double Oy.
July 18
Wednesday, we stayed after lessons so we could swim when the pool was open to the public and the kids could just have fun. We had a picnic at the park across the street, and the most exciting thing? The train parked there. Henry was elated.
July 19
Last day of lessons!! The kids did great and all passed. Whew. They all had a blast and that almost made up for the WAITING.
July 20
Friday and Saturday were all about party prep. We made streamers out of felt circles (thanks, Stephanie, for all of your hard work!) and I love this picture of them all laid out.
July 21
These two were decidedly NOT helpful with the party prep. It’s a darn good thing they’re both cute.
Cute rainbow of felt
And Yay!! for the end of swim lessons.
Isn't it cute? And YES. Yay for the end of lessons. Phew!
I really, really, really loved the felt streamers.
You're in charge of decorating Ruffle Butt's nursery. For real.
Dude. Ruffle Butt is going to have a super cute nursery. I just hope I can help.
Those streamers are going in the kids' room. I should totally paint their walls while they're gone.
So many good things going on!
It was a busy week!
Love the rainbow colors!
And did you say, one week kid-free time??
Yes, ma'am I did.
They're with grandma and grandpa this week. And I am enjoying myself (and yeah…missing them).
The rainbow colors were fun, and easy to coordinate everything with!