So, this is late and I’m totally phoning it in this week. I’m tired…T and I went to the Buzz Beach Ball (warning: that link is a video so don’t open it at work or when baby’s sleeping on your lap) last night and got home late (for old people like us, anyway).
I don’t think I got my Nikon out at all this week. I’ll have to remedy that next week. And most of my pictures today are from Instagram (username: gfunkified if you want to follow me!).
May 27
Sunday was park and Oz Museum day. When we got home, we found the first sprouts in our very first veggie garden!
May 28
Memorial Day! I don’t have many pictures, because I wasn’t feeling well. The rest of my family (except Erv, who stayed home to nap) went to play mini golf and go karts. Afterward, Erv and I joined them for a bbq at my parents’ house.
May 29
We went to the best playdate ever with Julie and her Monkey. Chik-Fil-A lunch and play place, then Cabela’s for lots of wild animal sightings and the World’s largest Mule Deer Museum (or was it America’s?).
May 30
We went to meet the newest member of our family at the Humane Society. Her name is up for debate, but thanks to Mamamash, it’ll probably be Bellatrix (Belly for short). She’s coming home to our house in less than two weeks. Cute little kitty butt!
May 31
This is Essie’s sticker chart for going potty. She’s doing really well so far! But yeah, there have been accidents. And she’s stubborn as hell. But look at all the stickers! (You should see it now)
June 1
There was a Lego Store opening at Oak Park Mall, with a “Master Builder Event”. Henry got to put together a block that would make up part of a giant Yoda model; he got a certificate and special Yoda brick. It was fun! (Except for the part where we couldn’t find my car because we were in the wrong parking garage, Ervin threw up twice on the way there, and we added an extra 20 minutes to the trip because of construction.) (And anyway, WHO HAS TWO PARKING GARAGES BY THE SAME STORE??)
June 2
Here we are at Buzz Beach Ball. Aren’t we cute? It was a good time. Flogging Molly, Metric, and Foster the People were amazing (if I said “amazeballs”, I would totally say that right now. But I don’t.)
Looks like you had a pretty fun week … miss you bunches and can't wait to see you all!
It was fun! The weather was perfect for all of this stuff.
Awesome week!! And yes, cute kitty butt
Kitty butts are *almost* as cute as baby butts.
Aww, I want to adopt another kitty… but hubby is firmly against adding another mouth to feed to the household. Looks like you had a fun week with lots to do. Would have loved that concert…
The concert was so good. Kansas City gets some good ones! We ended up getting an extra kitty this week, too, a week before we get Belly. Thankfully, they don't eat much for a while.
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