I’ve said it before (many times)….my kids get car sick. On any given trip, at least one will throw up. My oldest has grown out of most of it, but he still occasionally blows chunks. The two year old? It’s a regular occurrence for her.
I’ve found that one hour seems to be the magic puke-free length of time. It’s really not enough to get us very far, especially since we live in the sticks, but it’s doable for a day-long outing or weekend. And if it’s going to be longer than an hour? We crush up half a dramamine for each of them and we have a nice, quiet drive while everyone sleeps (it’s almost like Heaven on earth, really).
But for a mini road trip, with Memorial Day looming last week, and no plans (save for a family gathering on Monday), I decided that we should do something fun (with everyone awake). What are the kids always begging to do? Stay at a hotel. We’d use our Groupon to the Oz Museum in Wamego and make a weekend of it.
The fun thing about taking a mini road trip 45 minutes away is that you can be totally relaxed about when to leave and what you do, and still have tons of time to have fun. (I did take the Solar’s advice and pack everything the night before so there was way less stress the morning of.)
We started out at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center in Topeka (which the kids LOVED). There was so much to do there, but it wasn’t overwhelming.
Our next stop was the hotel. (Yes, we did stay at a hotel 45 minutes from our house, and it was fabulous) We stayed in a huge room with almost no one else there (it seemed). After the kids bounced on the beds, had a snack and played with their pool noodles for a while, Little Erv took a nap while I took the big three swimming.
After the first swim, we came back to the room and ordered Godfathers pizza (one gluten free, two regular), hung out for a while, then we all six went swimming again (still no one else in the pool!).
The next morning, we ate breakfast, swam again, and loaded up. Check out was at 11am, so we decided to hang around Topeka and eat lunch after riding the park train and playing for a while (restaurant choices are limited in the Midwest when you need gluten free, and as far as we know, Wamego has none…or at least, no major chains that offer it).
After lunch, we headed to the Oz Museum (or, as the kids called it “the Dorothy place”). They haven’t seen the movie, but they’ve talked at length about it to my mom. The girls and T even “rode” in the tornado tube.
The museum didn’t take as long as I thought it might (we were only there an hour, at most), so we tried to find something more to do. The “Bison Experience” was no where to be found (except on the city map), so we headed back towards Topeka. We thought we’d able to make a stop at the Topeka zoo, but realized we’d only have an hour there. So, T and I decided to make a pit stop at Dillons for a potty break and gluten free buns (SO not worth $1 a piece, by the way) and go home to play in the sprinkler and grill hot dogs (not at the same time).
It actually turned out to be a great, relaxed summer “vacation”, and I credit the Road Trippin’ Mini Adventure Guide for a lot of great tips and out of the box ideas. I don’t think I would have considered the part planned, part totally played by ear trip without the inspiration of this road trip resource. Plus, we checked AT LEAST three things off of our Summer Bucket List in one weekend!
I was given a copy of the Mini Adventure Guide to review, but this post was NOT compensated, and all opinions, plans, dramamine-free adventures are my own. Check out The Happy Family Movement for tons of ideas for the summer, or a happy family in general.
This post, and the activities behind it, are some of the reasons why I'm always in awe of you. You juggle four kids, special dietary needs and long distances from civilization (HAHA) really well. Like yesterday? Just a playplace and a big store with dead stuffed animals was thrilling for everyone. And cheap. You know how to have fun, real fun, not "Hey look at me I'm doing the fancy stuff just for the sake of doing the fancy stuff" fun, and it's awesome.
Thank you for that, Julie! Last year, we holed up. I couldn't do it with a newborn. BUT, this year I'm determined to make memories. And you know I wouldn't have gone yesterday without you. Cheap stuff can be totally fun, and make the most impact sometimes. We're gonna conquer this summer together!
Toast the buns! But I agree–a buck apiece is tough to swallow
Good to know, Carisa! Essie and I both tried them…she ate half of hers and said she liked it. I ate all of mine (because, come on! They're expensive!) but didn't enjoy it. We'll toast them next time, for sure.
I was going to say what Julie said! Yes! How do you do it??!! When Andy dropped me off this morning, Chase puked up his entire cup of milk all over himself and his carseat. As I had to go in- I said 'Good luck dear!' I felt so sorry for him! Car pukers are no fun.
Ugh, the puking. Thankfully, each time we got in the car this time, it was a short enough trip that nobody puked. But in general, I've gotten pretty good at rolling down the windows while we drive and then hosing down the car seat. Still….GROSS.
I've always thought we could cut the cost of vacations for kids by just checking into the nearest hotel with a pool!!! They have a blast!!
Right?! You don't even have to leave the hotel for the kids to love the "vacation"!
Um dude, how do you do it with 4 kids and still remain so sane and upbeat???
Go you! Looks like so much fun.
I rarely do it by myself, that's for sure! Usually, I'm more stressed out, but this trip was just totally relaxed and fly by the seat of your pants. It was fun!
This looks like so much fun – and I'm impressed that you make travelling with 4 kids looks fun
That picture in the bed just kills me – so much cuteness.
I know, right? So cute. And two minutes later, they were up and jumping across the beds again.
It was a good weekend, no pressure and no stress!
We're considering our first road trip this summer and I'm starting to get so very excited for it!!
Galit, you should get that road trip handbook, for real. It's small, but chock full of ideas and tips. I say, plan some, and leave some up to spontaneity! You'll have a blast!
Sounds like a fun weekend to me! It's always nice to get away even if it is close to home.
It was fun! I think it was more fun because we stayed close to home. I hate long trips!
I like going away close to home. Your family always has so much fun!!
We try, Stasha! The kids have so much fun together, and if we can relax enough to enjoy it, it makes for a good trip.
Sounds like a great trip! I can totally relate to the whole car sickness thing. My oldest (4 now) started having horrible motion sickness at the age of 14 months. Any car ride over 40 minutes and she would be throwing up everywhere. She was also too young to understand or be able to warn us! She is much better now (although still vomits unless drugged on longer trips). This is also the first spring that she has actually been able to swing on a swing. Before she would get motion sick from it. Poor kids!
Oh, my goodness, even on the swing? Yikes! I got horribly car sick when I was kid, so I know I'm to blame. THankfully, I grew out of it. Add "Puke Cleaning Pros" to our resumes, please!
How fun! My favorite part? The 45-minute-away-hotel-stay. I love that
So fun! We'd like to do a stay-cation type of thing, where we stay close to home. It's fun to be a "tourist" in your own area.
Hey I don't care how far we go from our house…it's out of our house!
Looks like you guys had so much fun! Love the pictures.
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