Yesterday, my baby turned one. I’m still exhausted from all of the preparing, cleaning, hosting, cleaning, and cleaning.
But, I wanted to share some quick pictures.
So, here’s a list of the best things about first birthdays.
1. All of the sudden, people think you’re SO grown up that they let you do crazy, adult things. Like drive a Camaro!
2. Presents!
3. If you have older siblings, they get super excited about your birthday and make you stuff.
4. Your mom will give you lots of extra attention because she can’t stand the fact that you’re growing up too fast.
5. Your super cool older cousins will all come to help you celebrate.
6. Did I mention presents? That people will open for you while you sit and watch?
7. Everyone will make a huge fuss about how cute you are, and how big you’re getting, and you don’t even have to wear pants for that to happen.*
8. You don’t have to share your cake, but people will try to sneak tastes anyway. Or at least, people who are too young to know any better. Slobber cake, anyone?**
9. You’ll get to stay up super late and eat way too much sugar. And that combination will ensure that you don’t care that your brother strips off his clothes and starts dancing in front of all of your party guests.
10. There is no other birthday in your lifetime of birthdays at which you get your OWN CAKE.***
Linking up with Monday Listicles!
*Adorable 1st Birthday onesie by Abbie’s Creations
** And this is why I made everything Gluten Free.
***I’ll be posting soon about all of the hard work and cuteness that came from this party. I know you can’t wait.