Last week, the weather was PERFECT (I may have mentioned that once or twice). One day, we went outside to play. I had Ervin spread out on a blanket, staring at the trees and the bubbles his siblings were blowing above him.

As I sat there, watching them, helping them with the bubbles, playing with Erv, I thought to myself: What a beautiful day. This couldn’t be more peaceful.

We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves.

Henry had a sword but wasn’t hitting anyone.

Essie was chasing the bubbles.

Ivy was climbing a tree and playing on a dirt hill.

After an hour or so of blissfulness, I noticed that the girls had dirt mustaches.

We hightailed it inside and into the bathroom.

Their scalps SO CAKED in soil that they were BLACK.

They had a mid-afternoon, pre-dinner bath.

I washed each of their heads twice, with a comb-out in between.

This is what the bathtub looked like after it drained.

At least we had fun.

Linking up with Liz and KLZ for iPhone Photo Phun!

iPhone Photo Phun