You are scheduled to arrive in about 41 days. Hopefully, you won’t come any sooner than that, because as excited as we are to meet you, the beauty of having your birth scheduled is that we won’t go into it unprepared. And right now, I’m unprepared!

I’ve been working hard to get ready for your arrival, though. I’m very slowly crossing things off the to-do-before-you’re-born list. I would love to go ahead and get it all done, but somehow, your three siblings demand an awful lot of time and attention from me. I guess that’ll be the story of your life, but I think you’ll get quite a bit of attention from them, too.

Henry is very excited to meet you, and share his room with you. And Ivy doesn’t think so much of the idea of another baby in the house, but she sure does talk about “Baby Bean” a lot. By the way, I apologize in advance if they call you that until you’re 14. They’ve sort gotten used to calling you that, and informing everyone they meet that we named you “Baby Bean”. Which is exactly why they don’t know your real name….everyone would be informed.

I can’t wait to see your little face, and kiss your little fingers, and snuggle the little feet that you’ve been pushing against my bladder every night. I’m afraid you’ll be as stubborn as your daddy, but just like him, I’ll love you anyway. Especially if you get his good looks.

Love, Mama